General Behavior
Please be kind and courteous to others. Refrain from slanderous comments, insults, and derogatory statements. Remember this is a game and everyone is meant to have fun. If you have a problem with one of the members that can't be resolved between the two of you, speak to one of the leaders if you believe it will cause a problem for others.
Other stuff
If you can't make it to a run, no problem. Please post ahead of time so parties can be adjusted appropriately. Do remember that other people are counting on you and everyone to accomplish our goals and the runs do cost gil. Real Life does take presidence over a game any day. If you're in game leveling in the Dunes or what not however, please try to be courteous and attend.
Casting Lots are a big issue for people. Often people will be out lot on something they want, while others get what they need. The lotting system is put into place to lower the unrest that can be caused by this. If a problem is ever presented, speak with the linkshell holder or a General. Depending on the problem actions will be applied accordingly.